Patrice Rey has been, since 2007, Professor in Plant Protection at Bordeaux Sciences Agro (France) and Deputy head of the “Vineyard Health and Agrocology” research unit INRA/BSA. His research activities focus on: (i) the microbial communities (fungi and bacteria) colonising grapevine wood with trunk diseases; (ii) interactions between grapevine and certain plant-pathogenic or -protective microorganisms; (iii) screening of potential biocontrol agents. Besides being a member of ANSES, devoted to “Plant-beneficial micro- and macro-organisms”, and AFPP, devoted to « Plant protection », he is a member of French Scientific Committees in various agricultural sectors: viticulture, horticulture, fruit/vegetables. At international level, he is involved in the Vine Protection sub-commission of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV). Since 2013, he has been a co-leader of the « Microbial Ecology » Working Group, COST FA 1303 “Sustainable control of grapevine trunk diseases”,.
Ecologie microbienne des champignons et bactéries colonisant les végétaux.
Etude des relations plante/agent pathogène/micro-organisme potentiellement protecteur du végétal.
Gestion d’oomycète et de bactéries antagonistes pour lutter contre les pathologies affectant la vigne, certaines plantes horticoles (e.g. lavande) et légumes (e.g. tomate).