After obtaining an engineering degree in agronomy and life sciences at AgroParisTech (Paris), I did a PhD in Nancy within the Forest and Wood Ressource Laboratory (UMR LERFoB, INRA /AgroParisTech). I studied recent changes in the productivity of 8 forest tree species in France using the National Forest Inventory data, and the role of climate changes in these changes. After one year teaching in secondary school, I joined Bordeaux Sciences Agro as an assistant professor in the “Forestry” team to teach subjects such as dendrometrics, tree and forest stand growth, forest ecology, silviculture and forest management planning. I am part of the EcoFun team of the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction laboratory (UMR ISPA, INRA/Bordeaux Sciences Agro), to develop research on the impact of climate change on forests and the silvicultural practices that could enhance forest resilience to these changes. I am particularly interested in mixed species forest, as they may have many advantages in a changing environmental and economic context.
Forest, climate change, mixed-species forests, forest productivity, resilience
Research unit and labs
ISPA, UMR 1391 Interactions Sol Plante Atmosphère
Equipe EcoFun – Relations hydriques et fonctionnement des écosystèmes