Bordeaux Sciences Agro is an institute under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture, and so is obliged to respond, through its research and transfer activities, to the major issues in agriculture and food research as defined by its Ministry.
As a member of Agreenium-IAVFF (the Institut Agronomique, Vétérinaire et Forestier de France), Bordeaux Sciences Agro contributes, within the larger Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, to the development of a strong and identity-driven agronomic project in co-ordination with universities and their associated partners within IAVFF (INRA and IRSTEA).

“Anchored within the University of Bordeaux cluster of excellence.”
Research policy in agrosystem Management, Nutrition and Health
Bordeaux Sciences Agro is a founding member of IDEX ‘University of,Bordeaux’. Thus, alongside the universities and schools on-site, the establishment contributes to steering research policy. A member of the select management committee, Bordeaux Sciences Agro’s management helps define calls for projects and the policy on enhancing research support and attractivity.
Bordeaux Science Agro scientists are directly involved in two topic areas : Agrosystem Management and Agro-industry, Nutrition and Health, and are fully integrated in the sites major units linked with universities and EPSTs (CNRS, INRA, INSERM and IRSTEA).
Agrosystem Management and Agro-ecology aims to combine agro-technical skills and the Human and Social Sciences.
This topic area in particular is treated through LabEX COTE ‘Evolution and Governance of Continental and Coastal Ecosystems’ for which Bordeaux Sciences Agro is one of the regulators. The establishment’s researchers and research professors are concerned by issues linked to agrosystem management and agroecology through the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region’s emblematic wine/vine and forestry/lumber industries.
Within the highly regarded CNRS or INSERM units, the school’s scientists conduct their research on probiotics and health foods. Three of them belong to LabEx BRAIN ‘Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscience’.

A Proactive Research Policy
Bordeaux Sciences Agro is developing a proactive research policy and supports its research professors and researchers through:
- a call for projects allowing the co-financing of partial scholarships for doctoral studies (2 per year);
- financial support for the organisation of scientific events (symposiums and international workshops) for the school’s scientists.
A thesis allowance is also paid to the University of Bordeaux’s Ecole Doctorale Sciences et Environnement in order to complete the number of merit scholarships delivered by this doctoral school.
Bordeaux Sciences Agro also supports its researchers and research professors in the framework of their requests for ‘research or thematic conversion sabbaticals’.
Partnership with IVES : Science in open access
Bordeaux Sciences Agro is, along with other partners, a founding member of IVES, an international academic association dedicated to viticulture and enology.
The International Viticulture and Enology Society is an academic association dedicated to viticulture and enology. Founded in 2017 by a group of leading universities and research institutes, it aims to make the results of scientific research in this field freely available for researchers and professionals.
IVES publishes OENO One, a vine and wine online open access peer-reviewed journal, whose editor in chief is Kees (Cornelis) van Leeuwen, and the publishing director Jean-Philippe Roby.
This journal was founded in 2016, replacing the “Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin” after almost 50 years of existence. It is a peer-reviewed research journal, among the best in the field, and has an exceptional editorial board of highly respected editors and associate editors, covering a broad range of areas in viticulture and enology.
IVES aims to launch a new journal by the end of 2019 : Ives Technical Reviews – Vine and Wine
This journal will be a tool to transfer current research to end users, i.e. consultants, enologists, agronomists, experts, teachers, students, winegrowers, equipment suppliers, and people working in biotechnological and chemical industries. The articles will be sourced from OENO One and other scientific and technical journals. They will be published in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
Transfer of Scientific Knowledge to Professional Circles
Bordeaux Sciences Agro helps transfer knowledge to professional circles with its research transmission activities. The establishment has a Computing and Management Laboratory that develops software for the agricultural milieu.
It also participates in the activities of Vitinnov, a unit of expertise and scientific and technical training for wine growing.
The Luchey-Halde wine estate, owned by Bordeaux Sciences Agro, offers an experimental terrain for agroecology.
Finally, the Agreaux research forest, which opened in 2015, is an open-air laboratory and teaching tool conductive to scientific experimentation and subject to technical innovations proposed by research partners and forestry-lumber industry professionals.
The Agreaux Forest : A Remarkable Research and Training Forest
Located in the Landes de Gascogne forest, the Agreaux rural estate group, of family origin, was created on 25 June 1959 and is now managed by Jacques Lescouzères in the framework of a foundation.
The thousand hectare estate, located in Retjons (40120), is a host site for higher education, professional training, and research projects related to sustainable forest management and forest product optimisation.
The aim of the forest is also to support the development of a higher education network and scientific projects of excellence in the Aquitaine forestry-lumber sector.

Marie-Pierre Ellies
Scientific Director, Professor of Animal Science
Feed & Food department
+33 (0)5 57 35 38 70