[Congress] Save the date: TerClim 2022 – July 3-8th in Bordeaux


The 14th International Terroir congress and the 2nd ClimWine symposium will be held jointly in Bordeaux from July 3 to 8, 2022. This will be a unique opportunity for scientists working on these topics and vine growers to finally meet physically, to discuss about their latest results, to discover the terroirs of Bordeaux, to exchange with members of the industry, to taste famous wines (and food) and last, but not least, to enjoy convivial moments between colleagues.

The team of the Ecophysiology and Functional Genomics of Grapevine laboratory (INRAE, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro), from the Institute of Vine & Wine Science of Bordeaux, is in charge of the event.

Laure de Rességuier, Kees van Leeuwen and Jean-Philippe Roby participate to the organizing comittee and scientific board of this congress.

In nine sessions, major topics regarding climate change and terroir will be addressed:

  • Session A “Integrated terroir studies, from methodologies to landscapes”
  • Session B “Smart technologies for terroir studies”
  • Session C “Soil physical, chemical and microbiological properties and their impact on vine physiology”
  • Session D “Adaptation to climate change through cultural practices”
  • Session E “Climate change projections”
  • Session F “Climate vine interaction including climate change impacts”
  • Session G “Adaptation to soil and climate through the choice of plant material”
  • Session H “Global and multidisciplinary approaches for vineyard sustainability”
  • Session I “Impact of terroir and climate change on wine quality and typicity”

Registration here.


Looking forward to see you soon!

The terclim organizing committee.