Analysis, modeling and synthesis of textured images.
Material imaging and characterization. Remote sensing and embedded imagery for agricultural and environmental applications.
Four people from Bordeaux Sciences Agro are also part of the team MOTIVE (Models, Textures, Images and Volumes) within the Signal and Image Group of the IMS lab. Focused on the design of novel algorithms, they propose original solutions for the processing of digital images or sequences of images showing textured patterns. In particular, these solutions aim at various tasks such as the restoration, the analysis, the classification or the synthesis of images but also the detection and reconstruction of objects within these images.
Applications of their work concern material sciences as well as agricultural and environmental issues. Within the scope of these applications, the team MOTIVE has built up many projects and collaborations with academic and industrial partners. For instance, the team is particularly interested in the analysis of radar and multi/hyperspectral images acquired with airborne/spatial remote sensing devices or with imaging systems embedded on agricultural vehicles (tractors or robots). With the help of the transfer unit ImAgro, many works have aimed at the characterization of crops for viticulture, forestry or fruit farming. Other works concern for instance the imaging and characterization of plant fiber based bio-sourced materials in collaboration with the I2M lab.