Date from : To : YOUR POSITION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR * Student from Bordeaux Science AgroStudent outside Bordeaux Sciences Agro Name of the Course : Starting Date of the Course Ending Date of the Course Name of your home University Name * First Name * Date of Birth * Gender MFUndefined Location of Birth * Nationality * Personal Address * Postal Code * Town * Country * Personal e-mail * Cellular Phone number * Type of accommodation required The number of housings is limited. Therefore, the assignment will be done according to availability, and your first choice will be retained in priority. The following wishes will be retained in the appearance order. SHORT LASTING STAY Bordeaux Sciences Agro Students (1 Month max) Désignation Superficie Night 1 week 2 weeks MONTH Order from 1 to 3 according your priority scale Individuel pack bedding 19€ (option) Y/N Studio - D 22 m2 49,00 161,00 267,00 533,00 Choice #1Choice #2Choice #3 yesno Studette - C 18 m2 47,00 150,00 247,00 494,00 Choice #1Choice #2Choice #3 yesno Mini studette - A 12 m2 40,00 132,00 223,00 443,00 Choice #1Choice #2Choice #3 yesno Cottage (4 beds) + common areas 66 m2 47,00 150,00 247,00 493,00 Choice #1Choice #2Choice #3 yesno * with no kitchen Bedding : includes sheets and disposable pillowcase. duvet and pillow provided BEWARE: A request does not imply an assignment. The e-mail of assignment indicating clearly the attributed accommodation retained will confirm the assignment of the housing. Δ